Tips for Updating Your Office Building to Attract More Business

A modern office building surrounded by trees

If you own an office building that’s starting to look a little dated, you may be wondering how you can update it to attract more business. After all, first impressions are everything, and if potential tenants walk into your building and see outdated decor, they may not want to sign a lease. About half of commercial tenants say they would be less likely to lease space in a building that appears to be in poor condition.

Thankfully, there are a few easy (and relatively inexpensive) ways to update your office building and make it more appealing to businesses. Keep reading for our top tips.

1. Give the Lobby a Makeover

The lobby is often the first area that potential tenants will see when they enter your building, so it’s essential to ensure that it’s up-to-date and welcoming. If your lobby looks a little tired, consider adding a fresh coat of paint and some new furniture. Professional help from commercial painting services can ensure that the job is done quickly and efficiently.

You may also consider hanging some new artwork or adding some greenery to brighten the space. Many office buildings have started adding succulents or small indoor plants to their lobbies and common areas, as they add a touch of life and can help to improve air quality. You can also ask your current tenants if they have any artwork that they would be willing to loan or donate for display.

Focus on creating a warm and inviting space that will make tenants want to stay. You may even want to consider hiring a professional designer to help you achieve the look you’re going for. Depending on the size of your lobby, the entire makeover could cost as little as a few hundred dollars.

2. Update the Common Areas

In addition to the lobby, potential tenants will also likely see the common areas of your building, such as the hallways, bathrooms, and break rooms. If these areas look outdated, take some time to give them a facelift. Paint the walls, replace the light fixtures, and add new furniture or decorations.

The bathroom is especially important, as tenants will likely use this space daily. Ensure that the fixtures are in good condition and that the area is clean and well-stocked. Some building owners even add additional amenities, such as showers, to make the space more inviting for tenants who commute by bike or work out during their lunch break.

A clean public bathroom

3. Add Some Technology

In today’s world, technology is more critical than ever in the business world. Many tenants will be looking for office space that has the latest and greatest in terms of technology. If your building lags behind, you may consider making some upgrades. Technology should be integrated into every aspect of your building, from the lobby to the individual office units.

One of the most important things you can do is ensure that your building has good Wi-Fi access. Many tenants now use Wi-Fi for conference calls to working remotely, so it’s essential to have a strong and reliable signal throughout the building. You may also consider adding charging stations for laptops and phones and installing smart devices such as door locks and thermostats. These upgrades can cost a bit more, but they could be worth it to attract tech-savvy tenants.

4. Upgrade Your Amenities

Another way to attract businesses to your office building is by offering modern amenities that tenants are looking for. For example, many companies today are looking for buildings that offer on-site parking, bike racks, and showers so that employees can easily commute by bike or walk to work. If your facility doesn’t have these amenities, consider adding them.

You can easily find bike racks and showers online or at your local hardware store. If you don’t have the budget to add on-site parking, see if there are any nearby public parking garages or lots that you can partner with. Offering discounts or monthly passes to tenants can make your building more appealing. If your building is in a walkable or bikeable area, highlight this in your marketing materials.

Making simple upgrades to your office building can attract more businesses and help you fill vacancies. Focus on improving the lobby and common areas, adding technology, and upgrading amenities. Don’t forget to market your building to its best advantage. By following these tips, you can attract tenants and keep your office building rented for years to come. With a little bit of effort, you can make your building more appealing to potential tenants.

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