Dressing Up When You Have Sensory Sensitivities: Fashion Tips You Can Try

woman looking at her closet

Do you have sensory sensitivities when it comes to what you wear? If so, don’t worry. You’re not alone! There are a lot of fashion hacks out there that can help you look and feel your best.

Sensory sensitivities can be a real challenge when it comes to dressing yourself. It can be hard to know what will feel comfortable or look good. But don’t worry, there are some hacks that can make things a little easier. In this post, we’ll give you some tips for dressing yourself when you have sensory sensitivities.

Consider Making Your Own Clothes

One great way to avoid any sensitivity issues is to make your own clothes. This way, you can be sure that everything will be exactly how you want it and make sure it fits well. You can also choose fabrics that are soft and comfortable for you.

If you have no idea how to start making your own clothes, know that many online and offline resources can help. If sewing isn’t your thing, there are many other ways to make your own clothes. You can use a simple pattern and some fabric from the fabric store or order your desired pattern like a vogue pattern for skirts, or you can buy unfinished clothes and tailor them to fit you perfectly.

Be Careful When Choosing Materials

Sometimes it’s not the clothes themselves that can be a problem, but the materials they’re made from. For example, certain fabrics, like wool and polyester, can be very itchy or rough on your skin. If you have sensory sensitivities, it’s best to avoid these materials whenever possible.

If you have sensitivities to certain materials, avoid such materials when choosing what to wear. You can also test out different materials by wearing them against your skin for a short period of time. This way, you’ll know if the material will bother you or not.

It also makes sense to choose natural fibers over synthetics. If you can, try to stick to natural fibers when picking out clothes. Synthetic materials like polyester can often cause skin irritations and are generally less comfortable than natural fibers.

Check the Labels

Clothes labels can also be a source of information when it comes to choosing what to wear. If you’re looking for something specific, like a shirt made from 100% cotton, you can check the label to see if it meets your needs.

Labels can also tell you a lot about how a garment was made. If you’re looking for clothes that are ethically made, look for a label that says “Made in the USA” or “Fair Trade.”

When buying clothes, always check the labels to see what the material is made of. If you’re not sure, don’t be afraid to ask a salesperson at the store. They should be able to help you find something that will work well for you.

Avoid Tight Clothing
woman wearing well fitting clothes

Some people like wearing tight-fitting clothes. This is since they make them feel more confident and stylish. However, tight clothing can be a real nightmare for people with sensory sensitivities.

Tight-fitting clothes can be uncomfortable and itchy and cause skin irritations. If you have sensory sensitivities, it’s best to avoid these types of clothes. This doesn’t mean that you have to give up on wearing jeans or dresses altogether, but try to find looser-fitting versions of these items instead.

You might also want to choose natural fabrics as they will be more breathable and likely to feel better on your skin. If you insist on wearing something tight-fitting, be sure to test it out first by wearing it for a little while to see if it’s comfortable.

Be Careful with Accessories

Accessories are another thing to be careful with when you have sensory sensitivities. Jewelry, hats, and scarves can often be very scratchy or itchy. If you’re going to wear any of these things, make sure they are made from soft materials that won’t bother your skin.

You can also try wearing accessories for a short period of time to see if they are comfortable. If they’re not, it’s best to avoid them altogether.

When it comes to dressing for people with sensory sensitivities, it’s essential to keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works for someone else might not work for you, and that’s perfectly okay. Be creative and experiment with different styles and materials until you find something that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Many resources are available to help you, both online and offline, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

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